His works on breast work includes Natural Breast Augmentation (which involves using Cohesive Gel and Gummy Bear implants), Breast Lifts, Breast Reductions and combinations of these.
Dr. Emeka’s Body Contouring works includes Laser Liposuction (Smartlipo), Brazilian Butt lifts, Waist Cinching, Fat Transfers and Body Contouring. He also does Facial work including Liposuction of the Chin, Fat transfer to the face, Eyelids and Fillers/Botox.
Recently, he did a successful 'Mommy makeover' in Lagos (tummy tuck and breast reduction/lift). The client was home on the fourth day, ‘cooking in her kitchen’ on the seventh and would be back to work on the fourteenth day. “A ‘Liposuction’ was carried out on a young male executive 9 days ago.
He went home on the day of the surgery, was in my office day 2, was driving himself and off of medication day 4 and back at work on day 7. His wife had a tummy tuck a year ago....also in Lagos” Dr. Emeka Onyewu. Dr. Emeka is offering the same quality surgery and post-surgical care attainable anywhere in the world right here in Lagos; bringing 19 years of experience, training and state of the art equipment. He understands the need for privacy and offer customized consultations in private settings (Office, MedSpa or client’s residence.)
At the moment, Dr. Emeka is available for consultation at Oasis MedSpa. For more information, please contact oasismedspanigeria@gmail.com or visit www.oasismedspang.com. Tel no: 08180822222 (For bookings)
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